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Present Tense and Its Types

Grammar Worksheets | 7-14 yrs | Learning Pod

What is Tense?

The term tense is derived from Latin word ‘Tempus” meaning time. Tense is used to indicate time in English language. It has been broadly classified into three groups – Present Tense, Past Tense and Future Tense.

Let’s learn more about Present Tense and Its Types:

Present Simple Tense

It is used to indicate an action in present time, habitual or usual actions; daily event and universal fact. Example: I work in an IT firm. This expresses a regular action.

Sentence Formation:

Always keep in mind that the first form of verb is used as main verb in a sentence.

Positive Sentence: I write book .
Negative Sentence: I do not write book
Interrogative Sentence: Do I write reports?

Present Continuous Tense or Present Progressive Tense

It indicates ongoing action at present time which takes place while speaking. Example: I am writing a report.
In this case auxiliary verb ‘am’ , ‘is’ or ‘are’ used in sentence along with first form of verb or Main verb plus present participle i.e. ‘ing’.

Sentence Formation:

Positive: I am playing basketball
Negative: I am not playing basketball
Interrogative: Am I playing cricket?

Present Perfect Tense

It is used to indicate an action completed in near past. Example: She has learnt language.
Here, auxiliary verb ‘has’ or ‘have’ and the third form of verb i.e. past participle is used as main verb in sentence.

Sentence Formation:

Positive: I have eaten meal
Negative: She has not learnt language.
Interrogative: Have I eaten rice?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

It is used to indicate an ongoing action which started in past and is continuing till now. Example: He has been studying in this school since 2009.

Here, auxiliary verb ‘has been’ or ‘have been’, first form of verb and ‘since’ or ‘for’ before time reference are used.

Sentence formation:

Positive: He has been watering plants for one hour.
Negative: I have not been studying for two hours.
Interrogative: Have I been studying since 1 O’ clock?

In the next two types of tenses position of subject, verbs and objects in a sentence is similar to that of present tenses. There is a change in verb forms only.

Read here related articles Types of Past Tense and Future Tense.