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Facts about Traffic Lights

General Knowledge | 7-14 yrs | Learning Pod, Reading Pod

Traffic Light Control and Co-ordination

Some things are so fluidly embedded in our daily system that we forget how important they can be for smooth operation of our lives. Traffic jams are infuriating! So is stopping at a traffic signal, isn’t it? What if you never had to stop? Well, wish granted! Let us get rid of those traffic lights for one day and see what happens!

What would happen if there were no Traffic Lights?

  1. For starters, no one would know when to stop and when not to.
  2. Talking about traffic jams is just an understatement, we’ll have a gridlock!
  3. Number of accidents will automatically increase due to this chaos.
  4. Late comers tend to increase in number, and mind you, it will not because you got up late for school!
  5. It would be all together more difficult for kids to cross the roads because zebra crossing would practically become non-functional without traffic lights.

Such a madness at road is not only annoying, but can be dangerous too! The concept of traffic lights is not only important for roads, but it also becomes an inspiration for regulating traffic in air too. The introduction of traffic lights has made our life simpler in terms of commuting.

When was the first Traffic Light installed?

Let us now see how and when the various versions of traffic lights debuted and became a blessing that they are today :

  1. On 9 December 1868, first non- electric, gas lit traffic lights were installed in London outside the house of parliament to control the traffic. It was declared unsafe and hence, discontinued.
  2. First traffic signal installed was in Cleveland, Ohio on August 5, 1914. Its been 100 years since the first traffic signal was installed.
  3. A ‘No-Left-Sign’ first appeared in New York in 1916.
  4. Garret Morgan invented an automated traffic light and patented it on November 12, 1923. During the same time, a police officer named William Potts invented a four way, three color traffic light getting inspiration from the railroad signal lights. Even though his design was used in various regions in Detroit but he never got his design patented.
  5. In 1935, ‘The manual on uniform traffic control devices’ was created by the federal highway commission, which set a uniform standard for the traffic signals and road safety everywhere.

To respect this great invention, we must follow the traffic rules and we should be aware what the colors of traffic lights mean and follow them accordingly.

What does Traffic Signals indicate?

Let us refresh our memories with what these traffic signal lights define :

  • Red means Stop

Red is a universal sign of danger. Plus this color is visible even in harsh conditions like fog, rain or in smoke.

  • Yellow indicates to Wait.

Yellow is a color that defines caution, plus it is made by the super position of red and green, hence, an obvious choice!

  • Green means Go.

It is specifically chosen because it is considered as a calm color. Moreover, this color is easily distinguished from the other two colors and can be seen easily.

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