Read these beautiful poems and rhymes for kids. List of the poems included in this poem eBook:
- The Rainy Day
- The First Red Bird
- The Weather-Vane
- The Swan
- Baby’s Baking
- A Sure Sign
- Anathor Sure Sign
- A Robin’s Bath
- The Frosted Pane
- The First Snow
- Grandfather Knows
- Sliegh-Bells
- The Red-Bird
- Wild Beasts
- Wherefore Wings?
- Basking
- With A May Basket For Baby Agnes
- The Little Nest
- Christmas Candles
- A Song Of The Christmas Tree
- Our Kittens
- In July
- A Velentine To A Little Child
- Zip!
- A Little Carol
- Song
- The Three Candles
You can read the eBook online or download it on your PC and read later using the big red button at the top.
For other interesting poems and rhymes, go to: