Rain rain go away, come again another day, little Johnny want to play…” Well Johnny is absolutely right in asking the rain to go away, so that he can play. Getting wet in the rain might seem like a fun idea but it can cause a lot of harm. It can lead to cold, cough and fever.
How to avoid getting wet in the rain?
If you absolutely must get out in the rain, make sure to carry and wear rain gear like a good raincoat, rain shoes and umbrellas. This will prevent you from falling sick. When you are done, have a good bath with clean and warm water with a few drops of mild antiseptic. This prevents the chances of getting a cold, cough and keeps the bacteria at bay.
Another dreadful thing about rain water is, that when stagnant, it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes that cause malaria and other dreadful diseases. So, make sure you apply a mosquito repellent when you step out in the monsoon season.
It is definitely fun to prance around in the rain, especially the first rain. However, keep in mind the above warnings and precautions before you decide to have your share of fun.